


End to end solutions for indigenous milk sweets

ProcessingEnd to end solutions for indigenous milk sweetsPROCESSING

ABC has developed inhouse solutions for setting up small to large scale units to manufacture both milk and non-milk based sweets. Our innovation and process development team is continuously on work to provide solutions to your production scale and needs to include lines to manufacture.

Khoa & khoa based sweets

  • Specially designed energy efficient tubular evaporators
  • Efficient heat desiccation solution for converting preconcentrated milk to khoa
  • Proposals for downstream cooling and packing at large — without touch of hand
  • Sugar syrup preparation, on line frying and soaking systems
  • Approprite and customised packing solutions

Chhana & chhana based sweets

Extending continuous paneer manufacturing solutions and equipping appropriate whey separation, cooking, pasteurisation and forming systems.

Other sweet formulations
Customised blending, kneading and forming solutions to suit the needs of other sweet variants.


Our valued clients